Hi there! 👋 I'm Gigi

I’m a former investment professional turned financial educator and TikTok fin-fluencer.

I teach First Gen how to build wealth and gain financial confidence through easy to understand financial education. My work has been featured on The New York Times, Business Insider and Mitu.

Join me on TikTok, Instagram and LinkedIn

Jargon-Free Guidance

I'm here to strip the overwhelm, jargon, and intimidation out of learning about investing to provide you with judgement-free, relevant, easy-to-understand money education. Whew doesn't that feel better already?

Throughout my course I break down complicated investing concepts into simple terms and actionable steps that make investing accessible for all, especially those who are completely new to the world of finance.

Investing is For Everyone

Can I let you in on a secret? Investing is possible for everyone! Despite what many of the investing pros make it out. to seem, you can absolutely learn how to take control of your financial future, invest your money, pay off debt, and enjoy your life in the process.

Take your first step towards financial literacy and investing at your own pace through my course designed around teaching you all the basics of investing, regardless of your time, budget, and current knowledge level.

10 Years of Expertise

Investing is a learned skill that takes time and guidance. Even if you don't feel "naturally good" at numbers or finances, you can take your first steps to gain the knowledge today. Learn from a knowledgable financial expert who has done the work learning and navigating the finance world, reconciling between her working-class immigrant community's perception of money and the corporate world, and using her lived experiences to provide impactful, relevant, and useful education to her community for over 10 years.